The Ladies Who Brunch
The Ladies Who Brunch
Easter Eggs in her Anklet
The Ladies Who Brunch
Season 2
Episode 7
To make it very simple, there is no other podcast doing it... like the Ladies are. ok? Like we have segments that are so unique, and honestly.... singular to this podcast and it's creators, Jake and Sammy. You all need to trust us when we say that we are handling big business. I hope you all came hungry, because this episode will feed you. But when has an episode not left you bloated and full? That's right. Never once has that happened. Just do yourself a favor and tune in, but please do not listen alone.. because you will need someone around to perform the Heimlich Manuever, because u will choke.
"The Ladies Who Brunch" New Episodes Every Tuesday
Instagram/Tik Tok: @theladieswhobrunchpod